Dijk en Waard
Groep 653


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His Excellency Maxim Ryzhenkov
vul.Lienina, 19
Minsk 220030

Dijk en Waard, August 2024

Dear Minister and Prosecutor General,

I am writing You as a person who is concerned with the respect of Human Rights, therefore I like to express my great concern about the situation of


Marfa Rabkova, a woman who is a human rights defender and coordinator of the Volunteer Service of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, and her husband, Vadzim Zharomski, were detained on the evening of 17 September 2020 by officers of the Interior Ministry’s Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption (GUBAZIK). Their apartment was searched and money, personal belongings and IT equipment were seized.
Vadzim Zharomski was later released but Marfa Rabkovawas remanded for ten days as a suspect under Art. 293(3) of the Criminal Code (“training or other preparation of persons to participate in riots, or funding of such activities”) which carries a prison sentence of up to three years. She was later charged under Article 130 (incitement of hatred towards a social group) and under Article 285 (membership of a criminal organization) which carries a maximum sentence of 12 years.

Marfa Rabkovahas committed no crime and there are no grounds for her prosecution. Her arrest, detention and prosecution are retaliation for her human rights work, and constitute a major breach of Belarus’ obligations under international human rights law.
Marfa Rabkovais a prisoner of conscience who is being targeted solely for her legitimate activities as a human rights defender, such as observing demonstrations and documenting evidence of human rights violations, including torture and other ill-treatment currently faced by peaceful protesters who have been detained by law enforcement officials.

The Belarusian authorities must stop persecuting members of the Human Rights Centre “Viasna” and other civil society activists, and respect the rights to freedom of association, peaceful assembly and expression of all.

Based on the above, I urge you to:
- Immediately terminate criminal proceedings against Marfa Rabkova and ensure that no criminal charges are brought against her;
- Take all necessary steps to ensure that Marfa Rabkova and all other prisoners of conscience in Belarus are released immediately and unconditionally.

Thank you for Your attention in this very urgent and important matter, I am looking forward to Your reply and positive news about Marfa Rabkova.

Yours sincerely and respectfully,


(handtekening +
naam en adres)
The Netherlands